The SetOfSingle relation. The SetOfSingle relation is a specialisation of the PartOf relation and contributes as such to the definition of the partonomic hierarchy of TAH.The SetOfSingle relation is a link between a father material singular unpaired entity and a child material singular set entity. Its target is the definition of a maximal set of material entities of the same class out of a material entity. The defining class is known as the generator entity for the set. The existence of a generator entity is a mandatory condition. All members of the set are by definition linked to the generator by a direct ISA link.Example: [partes principales corporis humani] -> (SetOfSingle) -> [corpus humanum].Example: [fonticuli] -> (SetOfSingle) -> [cranium]. Name: SetOfSingleAcronym: TOSConceptual schema: [Child entity A] -> (SetOfSingle) -> [Father entity B]Child entity A: material set unpairedFather entity B: material singular unpaired